Dilli Bachao Manch

Dilli Bachao Manch

About Delhi Bachao Manch

About Delhi Bachao Munch

Delhi Bachao Munch is a grassroots coalition dedicated to safeguarding the cultural heritage, environmental integrity, and social fabric of Delhi. Comprised of passionate individuals from diverse backgrounds, we advocate for sustainable urban development and equitable access to resources. Through community engagement, advocacy campaigns, and collaborative initiatives, we strive to ensure that Delhi remains a city that cherishes its past while embracing progress and inclusivity for all its residents. Join us in our mission to preserve and enhance the essence of India's vibrant capital.

Who We Are

Our coalition comprises passionate activists, urban planners, environmentalists, historians, architects, and concerned citizens from all walks of life. We bring together a wealth of expertise and experience, united in our determination to ensure that Delhi remains a city that cherishes its past while embracing the opportunities of the future.

What We Do

Delhi Bachao Munch engages in a variety of activities aimed at promoting awareness, fostering dialogue, and driving positive change. From organizing community forums and public events to conducting research and advocacy campaigns, we work tirelessly to amplify the voices of Delhi's residents and advocate for policies that prioritize sustainability, inclusivity, and social justice.

Our Values

Preservation: We believe in the importance of preserving Delhi's cultural heritage, architectural landmarks, and natural landscapes for future generations.
Inclusivity: We are committed to promoting inclusivity and diversity, ensuring that all residents have a voice in shaping the future of their city.
Sustainability: We advocate for sustainable urban development practices that prioritize environmental conservation, public health, and quality of life.
Transparency: We operate with transparency and integrity, striving to keep our community informed and engaged in our activities and decision-making processes.

Join Us

Whether you're a concerned citizen, a passionate advocate, or an organization committed to positive change, we invite you to join us in our mission to protect and enhance the essence of Delhi. Together, we can ensure that Delhi remains a city that embodies the best of its past while embracing the promise of its future.

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